Friday, September 21, 2012

Best healthcare system in the world

According to an unidentified whistle-blower:
Patients spent the first two weeks of September waiting as long as four days in Peace Arch Hospital [White Rock, BC] without treatment for serious conditions ...

... patients have been imperilled and nurses have felt “abandoned” – some reduced to tears – because of the situation.

... some had been waiting for days for doctors to administer treatment for such conditions as heart attacks, strokes, bleeding disorders, pneumonia and serious infections.
... [The whistle-blower also charges that special doctor subsidies at a Surrey hospital are drawing doctors away from Peace Arch Hospital]. ...
And the regional Health Authority's response:


  1. Canadians have nobody to blame but themselves. They handed responsibility for their healthcare over to the one entity least capable of meeting that responsibility: the government. Unless Canadians want to be subjected to more and more tax increases, the system is inherently a rationed system. The government can only provide as much healthcare as it can afford. The result? A family of four pays the equivalent of $11,000 a year in premiums for the opportunity to die waiting in the emergency room, to become infected with C.Dificile or a myriad of other infections while convalescing in the hospital, or to wait in agony and pain or debilitation while waiting for tests or operations. But universal healthcare is a "Canadian value", isn't it? That is, I'm glad the government is there to loot my neighbour to pay for my healthcare bills. Yes, a value worth dieing for. Canadian healthcare is an inherently rotten and corrupt system. It should be taken off of life support.

  2. Great points, john. I couldn't agree more. This is what we get when bureaucrats from a central "authority" (government monopoly) are in charge -- non-responsive insularity, arrogance, incompetence, stupidity and corruption. Canada's is the most expensive and and least effective of all the free-world's universal systems.

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